We are God’s work of art, created in Christ Jesus to live the good life as from the beginning he had meant us to live it.
These words from
Paul's words speak to me in a special way of the gift of the first born son my sister, Geri, and her husband, Ken, are eagerly anticipating with great joy. Indeed, so too are all of us in the family for he will be the first of a new generation. Truly, his anticipated birth in January will herald a time of joy, love and hope. It will also be an invitation to accompany him as he grows up in the coming years.
Till he springs forth into our world from his mother’s womb, probably, with a squawking yelp and a hearty chuckle, we await patiently, hopefully. In the meantime, both Mummy and Daddy to be continue to deliberate on his name, with added suggestions from my Mom, aunts and brothers. (I wouldn't be surprise if Geri and Ken's friends have not also proposed names for the young one.)
As I write this, Michael, Zachary and Aidan are on the shortlist. No matter what his chosen name finally is, it will be a name that speaks of God’s blessing and goodness. His name will remind us of God's wondrous gift that he truly is to Geri and Ken, to the family and the world.
Indeed, whenever we call his name, or, however he is before us, be it crying or laughing with joyful glee, if not, indeed, when he does finally stand before us, who will be old and grey one day, as the person he will become and living the life he is called to live, how else are we to think of this boy’s presence in our midst but as God’s work of art, created for the good life and for the good of others.
And so, what a sight it will truly and happily be for all of us to finally behold this new born babe—son and grandson, grand-nephew and nephew, cousin and friend—who is nothing less than the God of Love’s delightful gift of love itself!
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