Gospel Reading: Luke 8: 4-15 (Parable of the Sower)
Can you hear it?
Do you hear God’s voice?
Will you really listen to God’s Word in your life?
I believe Jesus is asking us these questions at this time and in this place.
In the parable we read,
Jesus tells us that God is the sower, scattering seeds.
These seeds promise life.
They are God’s Word. Indeed, they promise life to the full.
This is the Good News Jesus preaches to us.
We hear God’s Good News often.
In scripture and at Mass. At home and in our religious communities.
In our theological studies and through our friends.
Yes, we are familiar with God’s message.
Sadly, we don’t always receive God’s Word well,
make God's Word fully part of of our lives,
or share God's Word with others joyfully.
Jesus tells us we don’t do this because we might be
too distracted by worldly attractions,
too fixated with our sinfulness,
too intoxicated with our addictions.
And, if you and I are honest,
we would confess that we sometimes don’t want to hear God’s voice.
We would rather hear our voice.
We want to fall in love with our voice and to follow it.
In these moments, our voices proudly and loudly say,
“Thanks, God, but no thanks. It’s not about you. It’s about, me, I and myself.”
And, isn’t it deliciously satisfying to hear our own voices?
I know it is. For a while at least.
Then, do you like me find life lacking, empty, despairing?
Jesus reminds us today that God’s Word gives us life, life to the full.
It will bear fruit a hundred fold in our lives, if we but let it.
How can we do this? By hearing and listening to God.
But, aren’t you and I already doing this in our lives?
When you care for another in pain, aren’t you your brother’s keeper?
When you bring hope to one in despair, one in blindness, don’t you free your sister, lift her up, help her see again.
And, when we make sacrifices, forgive our enemies, restore life to others, are we not picking up our crosses and following Jesus?
Yes, we do hear God’s Word.
We do let God's Word dwell in us.
We do share God's Word with others.
Jesus says, “Whoever has ears to hear ought to hear.”
So, what should we be really hearing from God today?
Perhaps, this:
We can hear God’s word.
We can because we are, as the psalmist says, wonderfully made for God.
We were created, filled with God’s grace.
God’s grace will always help us hear God’s Word.
God’s grace will open us up to let God Word bear fruit a hundred fold
in you and me, and in everyone we share God’s message of life with.
Yes, this is Good News.
But there’s even better Good News.
If we have truly listened to Jesus in today’s parable,
we might have heard God really saying these life-giving words to us:
I know you can
I hope you do
I believe you will.
This is a homily for daily Mass that I prepared as part of my class in liturgical preaching this semester.
photo: eager stillness broods over the realm of boyhood dreams by ian francisco
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