What if it took a minute of assurance to free one from death-like fear? Of peace to soothe the unbearable pain of death? Of clarity to pierce the numbing confusion of loss?
These could have possibly been some of the experiences felt that first Easter morning. They might have been for the women who went to the tomb: hearing the Angel proclaimed Jesus’ resurrection, it took them a few moments to realize this truth, and fearful yet overjoyed, they ran to announce this to the apostles. These could also have been Mary Magdalene’s: she admonished the gardener for Jesus’ missing body but upon hearing him call her name paused only to sense his reverberating voice within her to be that of the Risen Jesus greeting her. And, truly, they must have been John’s experiences as he ran with Peter to the empty tomb, looked in, saw Jesus’ burial shroud folded up, and, taking a deep breath, believed.
And what if all it takes this Easter is just a minute for you and me--amidst our Easter liturgies and celebrations-- to see anew what is the unimaginable? To recognize hope alive when all is despaired? To believe again when having faith seems so hard to do?
Perhaps, then, by pausing a bit, closing our eyes and keeping silent, we can savour…really, really savour...the joyful truth of what we celebrate this Easter Day: Christ has risen; He has redeemed us with God's favor!
A Blessed Easter to one and all!
artwork: empty tomb by barbara adams
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