Year C / Ordinary Time / 31st Week / RCIA Rite of Scrutiny (3rd Scrutiny)
Readings: Wisdom 11.22-12.2/ Psalm 144.1-2, 8-9,10-11, 13c-14 (R/v 7a) / 2 Thessalonians 1.11-2.2 / John 11.1-45
Winter in Boston is a good time for long meditative walks. A space I enjoyed walking in the cold when I studied there was Mount Auburn, Boston’s first landscaped cemetery. In wintertime, Mount Auburn’s undulating lawns are covered by snow. Leafless trees and stubborn shrubs of various kinds pepper it. Tombs and memorials of all shapes and stones poignantly complete the silent scene.
Many of us would walk about Mount Auburn in wintertime. Quite a few of us aimed to ascend to the lookout point overlooking Boston. Our walks were sobering; they reminded us of life amidst death. We walked amidst he stick-like trees harboring buds waiting to burst forth in spring. We walked amidst family and friends remembering their beloved at gravesides. You could say we walked amidst signs that give faith and signs of faith lived.
Faith is at the heart of today’s gospel story today. We tend however to focus more on the miracle of Jesus raising Lazarus from death to earthly life again. For some, this miracle is the culmination of Jesus’ ministry. For others, it symbolizes the promise of eternal life. If we are too fixated on this miracle, we will sadly forego a richer message this gospel story offers. It is this: a faith challenged is a faith strengthened. Martha experiences this truth when her faith is tested by Lazarus’ death.
Lazarus’ death pains Martha and Mary. They mourn his death. They also lament Jesus’ absence. “Lord, if you had been here my brother would not have died”. But Martha has faith in Jesus. She believes he is the Christ who saves. She professes this faith when Jesus asks if she believes he is the resurrection and the life for all. She does, even as her brother is lying dead in the tomb. She needs no miraculous deeds to believe in Jesus; she simply believes.
Why should our catechumens and we reflect on Mary’s faith and her act of believing in Jesus? What lesson can we learn to better follow Jesus in everyday life? These are the questions the three RCIA Scrutinies invite catechumens and the baptised to meditate on each time they are celebrated in Church. In particular, we are being asked to consider the stages of faith in our lives, and the quality of how we live out our faith.
The gospel reading of the 1st Scrutiny focused on the Samaritan woman meeting Jesus at the well. Here we meditated on the initial coming to faith. In the 2nd Scrutiny, we read about Jesus healing the man born blind. Here, we considered how this incipient faith takes root with testing. In today’s 3rd Scrutiny we reflect on how this faith deepens even more through the most painful of human experiences, death.
Let us now telescope our attention onto Martha’s struggle as a way to answer the questions posed. Martha believes that Lazarus will be raised up in resurrection on the last day. She believes in Jesus who is the resurrection for all. Yet, hers is an incomplete faith, for she wishes that her brother had not died and she hesitates when Jesus order Lazarus’ tomb to be open.
Do we see ourselves in Martha? Are we like her when life is difficult and we cannot see and feel Jesus’ presence? At such times, don’t we too cry out “Lord, where are you?”—we who faithfully come to mass, pray and practice the Christian life?
Like Martha, we believe in Jesus and we want to believe our belief is deep. But the truth is that our faith is incomplete. What we need is for our faith in Jesus to go deep so that our love for God and neighbor can grow wide.
All too often we look for signs like miracles to help us deepen our faith. John the evangelist reminds us to focus on Jesus and not on the signs. It is therefore right and good that we meditate on Martha’s profession of faith in Jesus, not on the miracle of Lazarus’ resuscitation. For John, the goal of Jesus’ mission is not resuscitating Lazarus. Bringing the fullness of God’s life to all is. Anyone and everyone who receives Jesus and God’s life that he brings must accept that true faith is really about believing in Jesus: he is the source of unending life.
Acceptance is not enough; we must live out our faith in Jesus fully. We will do this well when we live each moment—the good and best, but, more so, the worst and difficult—confident that the promise of God’s life in Jesus, with Jesus and through Jesus’ resurrection is ours even now on earth. This is how our faith is strengthened.
How can we live true faith in Jesus confidently and fully, especially in difficult, challenging times? By making our faith in Jesus our hope.
Part of Jesus’ relationship with Martha and Mary was to give them hope. He did this by preparing them to understand the paschal mystery that they would witness in the resurrection—that out of death comes new life in Christ. This hope enabled Martha to profess faith, even before the miracle.
The RCIA team and sponsors are preparing our catechumens in the same way. They are preparing them in the most fundamental lesson for Christian discipleship: to know the person of Jesus and to have hope in Jesus who offers salvation to all.
Such preparation is important for Christian life. It helps believers to understand Jesus’ words about the resurrection, and to go beyond the human logic that death is death. It schools our Christian faith and anchors our Christian hope.
If such preparation is important, then, you and I, the baptized, must ask ourselves this question: what are we doing to help others understand, know and hope in Jesus? Our answer depends, I feel, on the depth of how we are living out our faith in Jesus. Only we know this depth. Only we know how deep it is because of our life’s challenges. However deep it is, it is always a gift good enough to help another to grow in Christian faith.
This is the richer reason why I cherish my winter walks through Mount Auburn. I treasure them not so much for the snow or the quiet, nor even the wonderful winter view of Boston from Mount Auburn’s highest point. What I most cherish them for is the reminder about faith when I see family and friends, all bundled for warmth, praying at the beloved’s graveside in winter silence. Their act of faith offered me once, as it now offers all of you, the glory of this Christian truth: that in the face of death, it is not nothingness or emptiness before us, but the fullness of God’s life truly alive in us and for us that only faith in Jesus can give as our hope to live.
Preached at St Ignatius Parish, Singapore
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